Selected Publications:


  • J. Robert Mitchell, Trevor Israelsen, Ronald Mitchell and Wei Hua (pre-publication version, published online May 12, 2023; Ordinary Language and Dialogue in Entrepreneurship. (AMR-Dialogue) Academy of Management Review.

  • Marin, A. Parvatityar, A., Mitchell, R. K., Villegas, D. From Lab to Market: Learning Entrepreneurial Marketing Through Multi-semester, Stage-gate, Capstone Project in STEM MBA. Journal of Marketing Education.


  • Hua, W., Mitchell, R. K., Mitchell, B. T., Mitchell, J. R., Israelsen, T. (pre-publication version, published online October, 2022). Momentum for entrepreneurial internationalization: Friction at the interface between international and domestic institutions. (JBV) Journal of Business Venturing 37(6).

  • Mitchell, R. K., Mitchell, B. T. (prepublication version). Stakeholder salience, social media, and the cognitive commons. In The New Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Research, Maria Bonnafous-Boucher and Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, Eds. Edward Elgar.


  • Mitchell, J. R., Israelsen, T., Mitchell, R. K., Lim, D. (accepted version 2021). Stakeholder identification as entrepreneurial action: The social process of stakeholder enrollment in new venture emergence. (JBV) Journal of Business Venturing 36(6).

  • Wood, D. J., Mitchell, R. K., Agle, B. R., Bryan, L. M. (2021 -- Pre-publication version as accepted). Stakeholder identification and salience after twenty years: Progress, problems, and prospects.. (B&S) Business & Society.


  • Mitchell, J. R., Mitchell, R. K., Hunt, R. A., Townsend, D. A., Lee, J. H. (pre-pub version 2020). Stakeholder engagement, knowledge problems and ethical challenges. (JBE) Journal of Business Ethics.

  • Mitchell, J. R., Israelsen, T., Mitchell, R. K. (pre-pub version 2020). Entrepreneurial cognition research – An update. In M. Gielnik, M. Frese, and M. Cardon, Eds., The Psychology of Entrepreneurship. Bowling Green, OH: Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

  • Stambaugh, J., Lumpkin, G.T., Mitchell, R.K., Brigham, K. H. and Cogliser, C. C. (pre-pub version 2020). Competitive aggressiveness, community banking and performance. (JSM) Journal of Strategy and Management. Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 221-240.


  • Mitchell, R. K. (2019). Deglobalization Risks Our Economic Future -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 14: July, 2019.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Lee, J. H. (2019 pre-pub version). Stakeholder identification and its importance in the value creating system of stakeholder work . The Handbook of Stakeholder Theory, J. S. Harrison, J. B. Barney, R. A. Phillips, Eds. pp. 51-71.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2019). The Future of Institutions in a 'Post-Truth' Era -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 13: February, 2019.

  • Vahidnia, H., Mitchell, J. R., Smith, J. B., Assaf, A. M., Mitchell, R. K., Araci, O. (2019). Further exploring international entrepreneurial cognitions: The case of the Middle-East.. (JBVI) Journal of Business Venturing Insights.


  • Mitchell, R. K. (2018). Unity and Harmony in a Civil Society -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 12: October, 2018.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2018). Inequality, Peace, and Us -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 11: June, 2018.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2018). The World-wide Property Registry: A Thought Experiment -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 10: March, 2018.

  • Chen, H. S., Mitchell, R. K., Brigham, K. H., Howell, R., Steinbauer, R. (2018 -- Pre-publication version as accepted). Perceived psychological distance, construal processes, and abstractness of entrepreneurial action.. (JBV) Journal of Business Venturing 33 (2018) 296–314.

  • Hatherly, D., Mitchell, R. K., Mitchell, J. R., Lee, J. H. (2018 -- Pre-publication version as accepted). Reimagining Profits and Stakeholder Capital to Address Tensions among Stakeholders. (B&S) Business & Society, 59 (2), 322-350.


  • Mitchell, R. K. (2017). The Irreplaceable Role of Ethics in Productive Exchange -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 9: October, 2017.

  • Mitchell, R. K., (2017). Managing and accounting for multiple stakeholders. Rutgers Business Review (RBR), 2(3): 395-401. .

  • Vahidnia, H., Chen, H. S., Mitchell, J. R., Mitchell, R. K. (2017 pre-pub version). Socially situated entrepreneurial cognition: Promising linkage and directions in studying entrepreneurial behavior, practice, and process. . The Handbook of Entrepreneurial: Behavior, Practice and Process, W. Gartner and B. Teague, Eds..

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2017). Connectivity, Propinquity and the Future of Academic Institutions -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 8: June, 2017.

  • Vahidnia, H., Chen, H. S., Mitchell, J. R., & Mitchell, R. K. (2017 pre-pub version). Entrepreneurial action research: Moving beyond fixed conceptualizations. R. A. Blackburn, D. De Clercq, & J. Heinonen (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneurship: 38–59. London: Sage. .

  • Stambaugh, J. E., & Mitchell, R. K., (2017 -- Pre-publication version as accepted). The fight is the coach: Creating expertise during the fight to avoid entrepreneurial failure.. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (IJBER).

  • Mitchell, R. K., Lee, J. H., Agle, B. R. (2017 -- Pre-publication version as accepted). Stakeholder prioritization work: The role of stakeholder salience in stakeholder research. “Business and Society 360” Book Series on Stakeholder Management, D. M. Wasieleski and J. Weber, Eds. pp. 123-158.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2017). Institutional Entrepreneurship and Institutional Work -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 7: March, 2017.

  • Hansen J.M., McDonald R.E., Mitchell R.K. (2017 -- Abstract and References only). Marketing Benchmarking, Triangulated Isomorphism, and Firm Strategy.. In: Stieler M. (eds) Creating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. Springer, Cham.


  • Mitchell, R. K. (2016). Business Ethics and Stakeholders -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 6: December, 2016.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2016). Institutional Work and Core Institutions -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 5: October, 2016.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2016). CPI, GDP, and Core Institutions -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 4: May, 2016.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Weaver, G. R., Agle B. R., Bailey, A. D., Carlson, J. (2016 -- Pre-publication version per AMR open website). Stakeholder agency and social welfare: Pluralism and decision making in the multi-objective corporation . Academy of Management Review (AMR), 41(2): 252-275.

  • Mitchell, B. T., Mitchell, J. R., Mitchell, R. K. (Pre-publication version, 2016). Situated scripting and entrepreneurial expertise: A socially situated view of the information processing perspective. In Alan L. Carsrud and Malin Brännback (Eds.) Revisiting the Entrepreneurial Mind, New York: Springer.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2016 pre-publication version). Are entrepreneurs born or made? Characteristics v. cognitive theories of new venture creation. Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange (EIX).

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2016). Baseball, Neighborhoods, Positive Networks, and Public Goods -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 3: January, 2016.


  • Mitchell, R. K., VanBuren, H. J. III, Greenwood, M., Freeman, R. E. (2015 -- Pre-publication version). Stakeholder inclusion and accounting for stakeholders. Journal of Management Studies (JMS), 52(7): 851-877.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2015). Agency, Ethics and Family: The Story of the Stumbing Starling -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 2: August, 2015.

  • Mitchell, J. Robert; Mostafa, Romel; Mitchell, Ronald K.; Liao, Cynthia; and Chatterjee, Chirantan (2015). STAKEHOLDER THEORY AND THE EMERGENCE OF OPPORTUNITIES (SUMMARY).. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research:Vol. 35 : Iss. 16 , Article 22.

  • Marin, A., Mitchell, R. K., Lee, J. H. (2015). The vulnerability and strength duality in ethnic business: A model of stakeholder salience and social capital. . Journal of Business Ethics (JBE), 130 (2): 271-289.

  • Ingerson, M. C., Agle, B. R., Donaldson, T., Godfrey, P. C., Harris, J. D., Harrison, J. S., Keevil, A., Mitchell, R. K., Phillips, R. (2015). Normative stakeholder capitalism: Getting from here to there. . Business & Professional Ethics Journal, 34(3): 377-406. (pre-publication version only) NSC pre-pub.

  • Randolph-Seng, B., Mitchell, R. K., Vahidnia, H., J. R. Mitchell, Chen, S, Statzer, J. (2015)(Pre-publication version). The microfoundations of entrepreneurial cognition research: Toward an integrative approach. Foundations & Trends in Entrepreneurship Research.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Smith, J. B., Stamp, J. A., Carlson, J. (2015). (Pre-publication version) Organizing creativity: Lessons from the Eureka! Ranch experience . In: Michael Hitt et al. (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Organizational Creativity, 301-337. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.

  • Randolph-Seng, B., Mitchell, R. K., Marin, A., Lee, J. H. (2015). (Pre-publication version) Job security and entrepreneurship: Enemies or allies? Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 20(1): 24-49.

  • Mitchell, R. K. 2015. Lifting Society through Opportunity Emergence -- Mitchell Wheatley Fellow Note 1: April, 2015.

  • Townsend, D., Mitchell, J. R., Mitchell, R. K., Busenitz, L. (2015: pre-publication version). The eclipse and new dawn of individual differences research (Charting a path forward) . The Routledge Companion on Entrepreneurship, 89-101. Ted Baker and Friederike Welter (Eds.). New York: Routledge.


  • Mitchell, J. R., Mitchell, R. K., Randolph-Seng, B. (2014). Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition, Northhampton MA: Edward Elgar.

  • Brigham, K., Mitchell, R. K., Stambaugh, J. (2014). How 'job creators' think. . Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange (EIX), EIX Website: Interactive Article.

  • Randolph-Seng, B., Mitchell, J. R., Mitchell, R. K.(2014). (Pre-publication version) Historical context, present trends and future directions in entrepreneurial cognition research. In: J. Robert Mitchell, Ronald K. Mitchell, & Brandon Randolph-Seng (Eds.) Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition: 1-60, London UK: Edward Elgar.

  • Baucus, D., Baucus, M., Mitchell, R. K.(2014). (Pre-publication version) Lessons from the neural foundation of entrepreneurial cognition: The case of emotion and motivation. In: J. Robert Mitchell, Ronald K. Mitchell, & Brandon Randolph-Seng (Eds.) Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition: 254-315, London UK: Edward Elgar.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Mitchell, J. R., Zachary, M. A., Ryan, M. R. (2014). (Pre-publication version) Simulating socially-situated cognition in exchange creation. In: J. Robert Mitchell, Ronald K. Mitchell, & Brandon Randolph-Seng (Eds.) Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition: 412-447, London UK: Edward Elgar.

  • Mitchell, R. K.(2014). (Pre-publication version) The road to excellence in international entrepreneurship education: Further analysis of the original 2005 article. In M. Morris (Ed.) Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy - 2014: 116-133, Edward Elgar, UK: London.

  • Mitchell, R. K.(2014). (Pre-publication version) Cognition and entrepreneurship: The expertise approach. In M. Morris & D. Kuratko (Eds.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship Research (3rd Ed.), Blackwell Publishing, UK: Oxford.


  • Hansen, J. M., McDonald, R. E., Mitchell, R. K. (2013). (Pre-publication version) Competence resource specialization, causal ambiguity, and the creation and decay of competitiveness: the role of marketing strategy in new product performance and shareholder value. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), May 2013, Volume 41, Issue 3: pp 300-319.

  • Lee, J. H., Mitchell, R. K.(2013). “Stakeholder work” and stakeholder research. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Internatinal Association for Business & Society: 208-213, Portland. OR, June, 2013.

  • Carlson, J. D., Bailey, A. D., Mitchell, R. K.(2013). Competition and Morality. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Internatinal Association for Business & Society: 1-5, Portland. OR, June, 2013.

  • Seawright, K. W., Smith, I., Mitchell, R. K., McClendon, R. J. (2011/2013). (Pre-publication version) Exploring entrepreneurial cognition in franchisees: A knowledge-structure approach. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, March 2013, Vol. 37: 201-227. (Note: Accepted, October 14, 2010. Published online, May 2011.)

  • Mitchell, R. K., Freeman, E., Greenwood, M., VanBuren, H. (2013). Accounting for stakeholders. Best Paper Recipient-EURAM, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Robinson, R., Mitchell, R. K., Hoover, J. D. (2013). Implementing Mental Models: Extending Insight and Whole Person Learning. Developments in Simulation and Experiential Learning , Vol. 40: 388-392. Reprinted in the Bernie Keys Library. Winner, Best Paper Award.

  • Carlson, J., Hoover, J. D., Mitchell, R. K. (2013). Implications of regulatory focus theory for simulation and experiential learning. Developments in Simulation and Experiential Learning, Vol. 40. Reprinted in the Bernie Keys Library.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Robinson, R. E., Marin, A., Lee, J. H., Randolph, A. (2013). (Pre-publication version) Spiritual identity, stakeholder attributes, and family business workplace spirituality stakeholder salience . Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, Vol 10, Issue 3: 215-252. (Note: published online: 15 Jan 2013: pp. 1-38.)


  • Mitchell, R. K. (2012). Book Review - Phillips, R. A. (Ed). Stakeholder theory: Impact and prospects . Organization Studies, October 2012 (33): 1407-1411.

  • Mitchell, J. R., Mitchell, R. K., Mitchell, B. T., Alvarez, S. (2012). Opportunity Creation, Underlying Conditions and Economic Exchange. In: Andrew C. Corbett, Jerome A. Katz, (Eds.) Entrepreneurial Action (Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Volume 14), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 89 - 123.

  • Hoover, J.D., Mitchell, R. K., & Wu, D. (2012). Experiential education as a process of changing mental frames by inducing insight learning. Developments in Simulation and Experiential Learning, Vol. 39. Reprinted in the Bernie Keys Library.


  • Mitchell, R. K., Randolph-Seng, B., Mitchell, J. R. (October 2011). Socially situated cognition: Imagining new opportunities for entrepreneurship research. Academy of Management Review - Dialogue: Vol. 36(4): 774-778.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (July 2011). (Pre-publication version) Increasing Returns and the Domain of Entrepreneurship Research. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, July 2011, Vol. 35-36: 615-629.

  • Lee, J. H. and Mitchell, R. K. 2011. Towards refining the concept of corporate citizenship. IABS Proceedings.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Agle, B. R., Chrisman, J. G., Spence, L. A. (April 2011). Toward a theory of stakeholder salience in family firms. Business Ethics Quarterly, 21(2): 235-255.

  • Mitchell, R. K. & Dino, R. N. (March 2011). In Search of Research Excellence: Exemplars in Entrepreneurship, Northampton MA: Edward Elgar.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Brigham, K. H., Walker, H. J. (March 2011). (Pre-publication version) In search of entrepreneurship research excellence: A person-environment fit approach . In Ronald K. Mitchell & Richard N. Dino, In Search of Research Excellence: Exemplars in Entrepreneurship, Northhampton MA: Edward Elgar.


  • Lim, D. S. K., Morse, E. A., Mitchell, R. K., Seawright, K. W. (2010). Institutional environment and entrepreneurial cognitions: A comparative business systems perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, May 2010, Vol. 34-35: 491-516.

  • Brigham, K. H., Mitchell, R. K., DeCastro, J. O. (2010). Cognitive misfit and firm growth in technology-oriented SMEs. International Journal of Technology Management, 52: 1/2: 4-25.


  • Smith, J. B., Mitchell, J. R., Mitchell, R. K. (2009). Entrepreneurial scripts and the new transaction commitment mindset: Extending the expert information processing theory approach to entrepreneurial cognition research. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, July 2009, Vol. 33-34: 815-844.

  • Li, X., Mitchell, R. K. (2009). The pace and stability of small enterprise innovation in highly dynamic economies: A China-based template. Journal of Small Business Management 47(3): pp. 370-397.

  • Tan, J. Fischer, E., Mitchell, R. K., Phan, P. ( 2009). At the center of the action: Innovation and technology strategy research in the small business setting. Journal of Small Business Management 47(3), pp. 233-262.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Mitchell, B. T., Mitchell, J. R. (2009). Entrepreneurial scripts and entrepreneurial expertise: The information processing perspective. The Handbook of Entrepreneurship: the Entrepreneurial Mind, Springer, 2009: 97-137.

  • Mitchell, R. K. Entity, identity and governance. . Presented in the Symposium: Stakeholder Theory & Governance, Western Academy of Management: Midway UT, March 20, 2009.

  • Chen, W., Mitchell, R. K., Mitchell, J. R. The invisible other hand: Institutions and entrepreneurship in a field of multiple logics. Abstract, USASBE Proceedings: WINNER - ET&P Best Conceptual Paper, Anaheim, Ca., January, 2009.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Keng, K., Chen, W. Institutional entrepreneurship and "inductance" in the public sector: A China Case . USASBE Proceedings Anaheim, Ca., January, 2009.


  • Mitchell, R. K., Mitchell, J. R. Smith, J. B. (2008). Inside opportunity formation: Enterprise failure, cognition, and the creation of opportunities. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2: 225-242.

  • Seawright, K. W., Mitchell, R. K., Smith, J. B. (2008). Comparative entrepreneurial cognitions and lagging Russian new venture formation: A tale of two countries. Journal of Small Business Management, 46(4): 512-535.

  • Agle, B. R., Donaldson, T., Freeman, E., Jensen M., Mitchell, R. K., Wood, D. J. (2008). Dialogue: Toward superior stakeholder theory. Business Ethics Quarterly, 18(2): 153-190.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Bailey, A., Mitchell, J. R. (April 2008). Entrepreneurship, thinking, and economic self reliance. Economic Self-reliance Review 10(1).

  • Cohen, B., Smith, J. B., Mitchell, R. K. (2008). (Pre-publication version) Toward a sustainable conceptualization of dependent variables in entrepreneurship research. Business Strategy and the Environment Volume 17, Issue 2, February 2008, Pages: 107–119.

  • Mitchell, R. K. Entrepreneurial cognition research and economic development. USASBE Proceedings San Antonio, TX, January, 2008.

  • Smith, I. H., Seawright, K. W., Mitchell, R. K., McClendon, R. Exploring Entrepreneurial Cognition in Franchisees: A Knowledge-structure Approach. USASBE Proceedings San Antonio, TX, January, 2008.


  • Su, C., Mitchell, R. K. Sirghy, M. J. (2007). Enabling guanxi management in China: A hierarchical stakeholder model of effective guanxi. Journal of Business Ethics 71 (3): 301-319.

  • Hansen, J., Mitchell, R. K. (2007). Toward Competence Retention - A Framework for the Reconciliation of Organization-Wide Marketing Logic . AMA Winter Marketing Educator Conference Proceedings, 126-127.

  • Yu,A., Mitchell, R. K. (2007). Word of Mouth Communication Salience.USASBE Proceedings.

  • Patterson, P., Mitchell, R. (2007). Innovation and entrepreneurship: Merging engineering and business concepts. International Conference on Engineering Education. University of Coimbra, Portugal, September 3 – 7, 2007.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Busenitz, L., Bird, B., Gaglio, C. M., McMullen, J., Morse, E., Smith, B. (2007). The central question in entrepreneurial cognition research 2007. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, (January 2007): 1-27.

  • Dragoo, C., Lumpkin, G. T., Mitchell, R. K., Smith, D. (Executive Summary Only) The possibilities project: A study of best practices aimed at enhancing systematic value creation from the university to the world. An organizing analysis of the Texas Tech technology transfer system, 2007 . Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University.


  • Morse, E. A.; Mitchell, R. K. Cases in Entrepreneurship: The Venture Creation Process. SAGE Publications.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Mitchell, J. R. (Abstract only). Relating institutional and new venture entrepreneurship research: A social surface co-evolution approach . As presented at the 2006 Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta, Ga.

  • Gustavsson, V., Smith, J. B., Mitchell, R. K. (Pre-"Frontiers" version) To find or not to find: How do opportunity identification cognitions differ by task?. As presented at the Babson Research Conference, Bloomington IN, June 2006.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (Pre-publication version) Globalization, economic literacy, and native economic development. International Journal for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Cohen, B. Stakeholder theory and the entrepreneurial firm. Journal of Small Business Strategy 17(1): 1-15.

  • Smith, J.B., Mitchell, R.K., and Pritchard, M. Good housekeeping: Establishing an operationalization baseline in the testing of transaction cognition entrepreneurship theory. AGSE Babson Regional Entrepreneurship Conference Proceedings. Auckland, NZ Feb 7-10.


  • Mitchell, J. R., Friga, P. N., Mitchell, R. K. (2005). Untangling the intuition mess: Intuition as a construct in entrepreneurial cognition research. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice 30 (November): 653-679.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2005). Tuning up the global value creation engine: The road to excellence in international entrepreneurship education. In J.A. Katz and D. Shepherd, Cognitive Approaches to Entrepreneurship Research. In JAI Press: Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Vol. 8: 185 – 248.

  • Mitchell, J. R., Smith, J. B., Gustafsson, V., Davidsson, P., Mitchell, R. K. (2005 Frontiers of ENT Research). (Pre-publication version) Thinking about thinking about thinking: Exploring how entrepreneurial metacognition affects entrepreneurial expertise. . Presented June 10, 2005, Babson College, Wellesley, MA .


  • Mitchell, R. K. Busenitz, L., Lant, T., McDougall, P.P, Morse, E. A., Smith, B. (2004). The distinctive and inclusive domain of entrepreneurial cognition research. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (Winter 2004), (December) 29(2), pp: 505 – 518.

  • Smith, J. B., Mitchell, R. K. (2004). Exploring the marketing-entrepreneurship interface. CCSBE Proceedings.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Mitchell, J. R., Smith, J. B. (2004). Failing to succeed: New venture failure as a moderator of startup experience and startup expertise. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 2004.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2004). Evolutionary biology research, entrepreneurship, and the morality of security-seeking behavior in an imperfect economy . Business Ethics Quarterly, The Ruffin Series #4, pp: 263 – 287.


  • Mainprize, B., Hindle, K., Smith, B, Mitchell, R. (2003). Caprice versus standardization in venture capital decision making. The Journal of Private Equity 7(1) Winter: 15 – 25.

  • Danov, Michael A., Smith, J. Brock, Mitchell, Ronald K. (2003). Relationship prioritization for technology commercialization. Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice 11(3) Summer 2003: 59 – 69.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Morse, E. A., Sharma, P. (2003). The transacting cognitions of non-family employees in the family business setting. Journal of Business Venturing 18(4): 533 – 551.

    . . . (Commentary on Mitchell, Morse, & Sharma 2003. Commentary. Journal of Business Venturing 18(4): 553 - 558.)

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2003). A transaction cognition theory of global entrepreneurship. In J.A. Katz and D. Shepherd, Cognitive Approaches to Entrepreneurship Research. In JAI Press: Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Vol. 6: 183 – 231.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Mitchell, J. R., Cohen, B. (2003). Creating new institutions in Canadian Entrepreneurship. Presented November 8th, at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (CCSBE), held in Victoria BC, November 6 – 8, 2003, and published on the 20th Annual CCSBE Proceedings CD, #10.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Smith, J. B., Mitchell, J. R., Morse, E. A. (2003). Transacting decisions and cognitive differences: Implications for the US-Canada softwood lumber dispute. Presented November 8th, at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (CCSBE), held in Victoria BC, November 6 – 8, 2003, and published on the 20th Annual CCSBE Proceedings CD, #12.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Mitchell, J. R. (2003). Recovering from globalization: New models for first nations economic development. Presented November 8th, at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (CCSBE), held in Victoria BC, November 6 – 8, 2003, and published on the 20th Annual CCSBE Proceedings CD, #17.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Allen, W. G. (2003). New models for Native economic development - Chapter 1 . In C. Nyce (Ed.) Masters in our own house: The path to prosperity and cultural well-being: 1– 22, Terrace, BC: Skeena Native Development Society. Editor's Preface.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2003). Governance in support of on-reserve market institutions: The rationale for a prosperity code - Chapter 2 Part 2. . In C. Nyce (Ed.) Masters in our own house: The path to prosperity and cultural well-being: 37 – 46, Terrace, BC: Skeena Native Development Society. Editor's Preface.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2003). Assessing stakeholder interests in prosperity and cultural well-being - Appendix A . In C. Nyce (Ed.) Masters in our own house: The path to prosperity and cultural well-being: 163 – 182, Terrace, BC: Skeena Native Development Society. Editor's Preface.

  • Wang, Wen-gie, Mitchell, Ronald K., Tang, Bing-yong (2003). A new venture analysis method and its application. Journal of Donghua University Vol. 20(1), March: 120-123.


  • Mainprize, B., Hindle, K., Smith, B., Mitchell, R. (2002) Toward the standardization of venture capital investment evaluation: Decision criteria for rating investee business plans. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research; 2002 Annual Edition:

  • Mitchell, R. K., Busenitz, L., Lant, T., McDougall, P.P, Morse, E. A., Smith, B. (2002). Toward a theory of entrepreneurial cognition: Rethinking the people side of entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice; Winter 2002 pp. 93-104.

  • Mitchell, R.K., Smith, J.B, Morse, E.A., Seawright, K.W., Peredo, A-M, McKenzie, B. (2002). Are entrepreneurial cognitions universal? Assessing entrepreneurial cognitions across cultures. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice Summer, 2002: 9-32.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2002). Stakeholders of the world unite: Assessing progress on the path toward a stakeholder theory of the firm. International Association for Business and Society, 2002 Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference: 223-225. Victoria, BC: June 27-30, 2002.

  • Mitchell, R. K., Sirgy, M. J., Su, C. (2002). Do us all a favor: Examining the theoretical essentials of effective guanxi in China. International Association for Business and Society, 2002 Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference: 187-192. Victoria, BC: June 27-30, 2002.

  • Mitchell, R. K., and Morse, E. A. (2002). Developing market economies: The aboriginal case in northwest British Columbia, in J.J. Chrisman, J.A.D. Holbrook, and J.H. Chua, Editors Innovation and entrepreneurship in Western Canada: From family businesses to multinationals: 135-166. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary Press.

  • Wang, W.J., Tang, B. Y., Mitchell, R. K., Xing, X. R. (2002). The innovation types evaluation of small business. Journal of Dong Hua University (Eng. Ed.) Vol. 19 No. 1: 107-109.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2002). Entrepreneurship and stakeholder theory. Business Ethics Quarterly "The Ruffin Series": 175-196.


  • Wang, W. J., Tang, B. Y., Mitchell, R. K. (2001). Identification of small business by innovation types (Published in Chinese; direct Chinese translation: Innovation types of small business and its identification). Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University, 18(4) December, 2001.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2001). Transaction cognition theory and high performance economic results (First Edition). A research monograph summarizing the development of transaction cognition theory at multiple levels of analysis. International Centre for Venture Expertise, University of Victoria.


  • Mitchell, R.K., Smith, J.B., Seawright, K.W., Morse, E.A. (2000). Cross-cultural cognitions and the venture creation decision. Academy of Management Journal 43(5) October, 2000: 974-993.

  • Mitchell, R. K. (2000). Venture Analysis Standards 2000: New Venture Template(Trademark) Workbook . Atlanta GA: eLad Publishers.

  • Agle, Bradley R., Mitchell, Ronald K., Sonnenfeld, Jeffrey A. (2000). A report on stakeholder attributes and salience, corporate performance, and CEO values. In Jeanne M. Logsdon, Donna J. Wood, and Lee E. Benson (Eds.) Research in Stakeholder Theory, 1997-1998: The Sloan Foundation Minigrant Project: 39-54. Toronto: Clarkson Centre for Business Ethics, University of Toronto.


  • Wood, D.J., Mitchell, R.K., et al. (1999). Essay forum: Living stakeholder theory: A tribute to the life and works of Max Clarkson: Max Clarkson, Architect. Business & Society, 38(2) June, 1999: 22-25.

  • Morse, E.A., Mitchell, R.K., Smith, J.B., Seawright, K.W. (1999). Cultural values and venture cognitions on the Pacific Rim. Global Focus: 11(4): 135-153, December 1999.

  • Agle, B.R., & Mitchell, R.K., Sonnenfeld, J.A. (1999). Who matters to CEOs? An investigation of stakeholder attributes and salience, corporate performance, and CEO values. Academy of Management Journal: 42(5) October, 1999: 507-525.


  • Agle, B.R., Mitchell, R.K. (1998). A theory and test of relationships between stakeholder salience and corporate social performance. International Association for Business and Society 1998 Proceedings: Hilo, Hawaii, June, 1998.

  • Mitchell, R.K., Morse, E. A., Smith J.B., Seawright, K.w. (1998). Cultural values and venture cognitions on the pacific rim . The International Conference on Globalization and Emerging Businesses: Strategies for the 21st Century Proceedings: Montreal, Quebec, CANADA, March 1, 1998.

  • Mitchell, R.K., O’Neil, S.A. (1998). Feudal institutions and small business governance: An exploration and comparison. Small Business and Enterprise Development, 5(3): 208-218.

  • Mitchell, R.K., Smith, B., Seawright, K.W., & Morse, E.A. (1998). International entrepreneurship, NAFTA, and venturing expertise. Proceedings of the 12th Annual USASBE Conference, Clearwater, Fla., as presented in the conference, January, 1998.

  • Mitchell, R.K., Morse, E.A., Bertoch, B., Vasko, T.S. (1998). New venture evaluation: Is there a standard method on the horizon? Proceedings of the 12th Annual USASBE Conference, Clearwater, Fla., as presented in the conference, January, 1998.

  • Wood, D.J., Mitchell, R.K., et al. (1998). Essay Forum: Voices from the Scholarly Generations of Business and Society. Business & Society, 37(1): March, 1998.


  • Mitchell, R.K., Agle, B.R., Wood, D.J. (1997). Toward a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: Defining the Principle of Who or What Really Counts. Academy of Management Review, 22(4): 853-886.

  • Mitchell, R.K., Agle, B.A (1997). Stakeholder identification and salience: Dialogue and operationalization. International Association for Business and Society 1997 Proceedings: 365-370, Destin Florida, March, 1997.


  • Mitchell, R.K. (1996). Oral history and expert scripts: Demystifying the entrepreneurial experience. Journal of Management History, 2(3), 50-67.


  • Mitchell, R.K., Seawright, K.W. (1995). The implications of multiple cultures and entrepreneurial expertise for international public policy. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 15: 143-157, London, UK.

  • Mitchell, R.K., & Chesteen, S.A. (1995). Enhancing entrepreneurial expertise: Experiential pedagogy and the entrepreneurial expert script. Simulation & Gaming, 26(3), 288-306.


  • Mitchell, R. K. (1994). The composition, classification, and creation of new venture formation expertise. Dissertation, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.

  • Mitchell, R.K. (1994). The transaction cost implications of moving command economies from hierarchy to market. Proceedings of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management 1994 Annual Meeting: 139-140. Dallas TX, August, 1994.

  • Mitchell, R.K. (1994). Stakeholder theory and liabilities of newness in new ventures. International Association for Business and Society 1994 Proceedings: 345-350, Hilton Head, S.C., March, 1994; and subsequently presented by invitation at the Second Annual Conference on Stakeholder Theory, Toronto, Ontario, July, 1994.


  • Mitchell, R.K. (1993). Where efficiency fails: Ethical implications of governance in the international setting. International Association for Business and Society 1993 Proceedings: 303-308, San Diego, Ca., March, 1993/

  • Mitchell, R.K., Chesteen, S.A. (1993). Entrepreneurs evaluate experiential education. Proceedings of the Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning Conference, 20: 82-85, Savannah, Ga., April, 1993.


  • Mitchell, R.K. (1992). From hierarchy to market: Mitigating societal impacts of governance transition in the macro institutional setting. International Association for Business and Society 1992 Proceedings: 232-240, Leuven, Belgium, June, 1992.

  • (Please note, the articles available for printing are subject to copyright permission, which permits one copy for scholarly use. For permission to utilize multiple copies: Please contact the copyright owner.)